Lise McGreevy

Born and bred in Belfast, Northern Ireland and a former photojournalist, Lise McGreevy returned to her art roots 5 years ago, to create her own practice as a Documentary Visual Artist. McGreevy has always had 2 careers she considered as “vocational”. The first is in Journalism, as it gave her an opportunity to help others and the second is Art, as being a creative is fundamental to her core make up. Passionate about promoting the languages, cultures, landscapes and heritage of her beloved Northern Ireland; McGreevy's photographic based art practice is split in 2 stems.  The first uses photography to showcase the beauty of the island through bespoke art collections. With the second she uses photographic bodies of work, as the core on which to build for self-initiated cultural programmes. More recently McGreevy projects have grown greatly to now involve other artists (linguistic, music, song, dance, theatre). To date the most prominent programmes have used Titanic, Lest We Forget..(WW1/2) and Peace and Reconcile as her muses to highlighted these important periods of local history. Formerly, McGreevy was one of only a few individuals in Northern Ireland to have undertaken both professional qualifications; Press Photography and Newspaper Journalism. McGreevy worked for broadsheet and tabloid/daily/Sunday papers in the North and South of Ireland. This was in addition to holding positions within several provincial and weekly papers throughout NI. Currently; after returning to her art roots 5 years ago, McGreevy has exhibited throughout Northern Ireland and in Ireland and as part of many arts festivals (including Belfast City Council biggest – Feile An Phobail and East Side Arts Festivals). She was also nominated as a finalist in the Best Creative Business category of The Belfast Business Awards in 2018, with her current PEACE AND RECONCILE cultural programme playing a large part in the judging. This project is UNIQUE in NI and Ireland; as it promotes ALL artistic genres as well as ALL of the local languages and cultures.