Ian Fraser

"I am an ideas painter. When an idea interests me I start painting and see how it develops through the painting process of discovery, happy accidents, observation, taking chances and, above all, surprising myself. To end up with an “aha” moment or where did that come from?." "What influences me is the feel of the paint, the tones, the colours, the lusciousness and surprise of a dot of cadmium red in an area of tertiary brown. I paint mainly on canvas with oil paints. I love the texture of oil paints and use brushes, old socks, my finger - anything to achieve the effect that I want at that moment. My background as a cartoonist has influenced me with an impressionistic approach, to suggest rather than literally paint something and let the viewer complete the picture. I am influenced by other artists who surprise and motivate me with use of colour, choice of subject, composition, scale of work such as Basil Blackshaw, JB Vallely, Barrie Cooke, Francis Bacon, Cy Twombly Alberto Sughi and Roberto Ferruzzi. I need stimulus and change. The more I change my environment, travel, look at other painters work, and read; the more ideas I have to paint”.